Submission of a fire notice to the Estonian Emergency Response Centre

The owner of the building whose building is to be fitted with an automatic fire detection system must ensure the automatic transmission of the fire notice coming to the automatic fire alarm system to Estonian Emergency Response Centre.

Buildings where the fire notice of the automatic fire detection system is to be directed to the alarm center are  indicated by the Regulation No. 1 of the Minister of the Interior on 07 January 2013 "Requirements for a fire detection system and buildings where the fire notice of an automatic fire detection system must be directed to the alarm center" and according to this, the owner of the building shall submit an application, together with a questionnaire, to the general address of the rescue center:

a) in case of Northern Rescue Center - Raua tn 2, Tallinn 10124 or ...;

b) in the case of Southern Rescue Center - Jaama 207, Tartu 50705 or ...;

c) in case of Eastern Rescue Center - Rahu 38, Jõhvi 41532 or ...;

d) in the case of Western Rescue Center - Pikk 20A, Pärnu 80010 or ....

An application received by the rescue service agency is forwarded to the fire safety officer for execution. The application will be acceded to within 90 days, of which 60 days will be tested for the occurrence of automatic fire detection system fire notices on the site. In the event of deficiencies, the applicant will be informed of the circumstances preventing joining. For objects where joining is compulsory but there are circumstances preventing joining, a precept issued by the state fire safety authority to eliminate the deficiencies.

The circumstances preventing joining are deemed the deficiencies likely to cause false alarms or if the automatic fire detection system has not been designed and installed in such a way as to detect the fire at the possible earliest stage.

The Regulation No. 1 of the Minister of the Interior on 07 January 2013 "Requirements for a fire detection system and buildings where the fire notice of an automatic fire detection system must be directed to the Alarm Center" provides requirements for the building where the notices of automatic fire detection system must be directed to the Alarm Center:

The intended purpose of a building

Building characteristics

the number of users

the number of story’s

surface area

Accommodation buildings

> 100

Treatment and care facilities

> 50

Assembly buildings

> 500

Office buildings

> 8

Industrial and warehouse buildings

> 4000 m2 * enterprises liable to be affected by major accident

Termination of the transmission of the fire notice to the Estonian Emergency Response Centre

Upon termination of the alarm transmission service, the owner of the building shall submit a corresponding application to the general address of the rescue center:

a) in case of Northern Rescue Center - Raua tn 2, Tallinn 10124 or ...;

b) in case of Southern Rescue Center - Jaama 207, Tartu 50705 or ...;

c) in case of Eastern Rescue Center - Rahu 38, Jõhvi 41532 or ...;

d) in the case of Western Rescue Center - Pikk 20A, Pärnu 80010 or ....

An application received by the rescue service regarding the termination of the object alarm transmission service is forwarded to the fire safety officer for enforcement. The application is approved within 30 days if the object does not need to be connected to the Estonian Emergency Response Centre according to the Regulation No 1 of the Minister of Internal Affairs of 07.01.2013 "Requirements for a fire detection system and buildings where the fire notice of an automatic fire detection system must be directed to the Estonian Emergency Response Centre"

Businesses engaged in the provision of alarm transmission services and contacts:

USS Security Eesti AS: e-mail: ...

Antifire Tuleohutulahendused OÜ: e-mail: ...

AS G4S Eesti: e-mail: ...