Behaviour in case of a chemical accident
What is a siren?
The siren is installed in enterprises with a major hazard and dangerous enterprises as well as in endangered areas to alert of the danger.
Listen to the hazard sirens:
- General alarm signal
A minute-long rising and falling sound, which is repeated at least three times after a 30-second pause. A general alarm signal is used to draw attention to all hazards, and this means that additional information and behavioural guidance is expected on the hazard!
- End of the general alarm
Even continuous one-minute length sound transmitted once. The alarm end signal means that the danger is over.
- Test siren
Even continuous sound with a total length of up to 7 seconds. The test signal means that the siren is undergoing routine testing and it does not involve compulsory activities for the residents.
How to behave when you hear a siren:
- If you are outside, move away from the danger zone perpendicular to the direction of the wind!
- Go to an enclosed space to protect yourself from gases or explosions!
- Close all doors, windows, and ventilation ducts properly!
- If you are in a car, close the doors and windows and switch off the ventilation;
- Inform and help neighbours and other people in the vicinity!
- Turn on Vikerraadio (see frequencies), Raadio 4 (see frequencies), or ETV and listen for the guidelines provided there! You can also get information at and from the state helpline 1247.
- If you sense unusual odours, hold wet towels in front of your mouth and nose and go to the upper floors, as the toxic gases that are heavier than the air accumulate downwards.
- Do not use open flames!
- Use the phone only in serious need, so as not to overload phone lines.